Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery is a formidable option for people who want to enhance their appearance or reconstruct a body part or skin because of the damaged caused by an injury, birth defect or cancers. A lot of patients come for reconstructive and plastic surgery in India for skin grafts, nose job, breast job or for burn injuries. For women who have undergone a mastectomy procedure after detection of breast cancer can also go for a breast implant procedure. Rhinoplasty can better the appearance of the nose, and is well established and affordable owing to the low rhinoplasty cost in India. Burn survivors can benefit from skin grafts procedures. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the best-known kind of plastic surgery, most plastic surgery is not cosmetic, plastic surgery includes many types ofreconstructive surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.
Skin Grafting
In plastic surgery, the transfer of skin tissue (skin grafting) is a very common procedure.A skin graft is an island of dermis and epidermis that has been surgically removed from a donor's site, its blood supply is transferred and dependent upon the recepient site. Skin grafts can be taken from the recipient or donors:
- Autografts are taken from the recipient. If absent or deficient of natural tissue, alternatives can be cultured sheets of epithelial cells in vitro or synthetic compounds, such as integra, which consists of silicone and bovine tendon collagen with glycosaminoglycans.
- Allografts are taken from a donor of the same species.
- Xenografts are taken from a donor of a different species.
Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive plastic surgery is performed to correct functional impairments caused by burns; traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks; congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips; developmental abnormalities; infection and disease; and cancer or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to approximate a normal appearance.
The most common reconstructive procedures are tumor removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, and breast reduction plasty. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of reconstructive breast reductions for women increased in 2007 by 2 percent from the year before. Breast reduction in men also increased in 2007 by 7 percent. Some other common reconstructive surgical procedures include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy, cleft lip and palate surgery, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent.

Burn Surgery

A severe burn can cause a lot of problems like limited mobility, loss of sensation or doesn't look aesthetic. Burn surgery generally takes place in two phases. Acute burn surgery is the treatment immediately after a burn. Reconstructive burn surgery takes place after the burn wounds have healed. If the burn is severe, the dead tissue needs to be removed before the reconstructive procedure could be performed. Some of the common techniques used for burn treatments are skin grafts, tissue expansion and free flap procedure.
Craniofacial Surgery
Craniofacial surgery is divided into pediatric and adult craniofacial surgery. Pediatric craniofacial surgery mostly revolves around the treatment of congenital anomalies of the craniofacial skeleton and soft tissues, such as cleft lip and palate, craniosynostosis, and pediatric fractures. Adult craniofacial surgery deals mostly with fractures and secondary surgeries (such as orbital reconstruction) along with orthognathic surgery. Craniofacial surgery is an important part of all plastic surgery training programs, further training and subspecialisation is obtained via a craniofacial fellowship.
Hand surgery
Hand surgery is concerned with acute injuries and chronic diseases of the hand and wrist, correction of congenital malformations of the upper extremities, and peripheral nerve problems (such as brachial plexus injuries or carpal tunnel syndrome). Hand surgery is an important part of training in plastic surgery, as well as microsurgery, which is necessary to replant an amputated extremity. The Hand surgery field is also practiced by orthopedic surgeons and general surgeons (see Hand surgeon). Scar tissue formation after surgery can be problematic on the delicate hand, causing loss of dexterity and digit function if severe enough.
Children often face medical issues very different from the experiences of an adult patient. Many birth defects or syndromes present at birth are best treated in childhood, and pediatric plastic surgeons specialize in treating these conditions in children. Conditions commonly treated by pediatric plastic surgeons include craniofacial anomalies, cleft lip and palate and congenital hand deformities.

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