

  • 18 November, 2014
    Patient traveled 9000 miles for his treatment to India

    An architect Brain Navalinsky from Georgia, how was suffering from heart failure, he traveled 9000 miles for his treatment to Bangalore (India). He gets his treatment in Narayana Hrudayalaya hospital which is world’s largest cardiac surgery hospital and the cost of treatment is too low in comparison of USA & UK.

    Navalinsky said that in America, doctors thought surgery would be too risky for him. Not at the NH. Navalinsky said he felt his experience was different than it would be at an American hospital. “Everything was so open and transparent compared to being a patient in the US,” he says. “As a patient you were considered part of the team, unlike in the US where concerns about litigation and risk block the system. In India they’ve got a different philosophy towards health and the patient.”

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